Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Young sewists..... no "home ec" class anymore...

Remember when EVERYONE had to take a semester of HOME EC and it always included sewing?  It is sad but true hardly any schools even include a sewing machine, let alone a class.  Kudos, to those few that do still see the value of knowing some sewing basics!  At PNQS we are doing our part to keep them sewing :)

This last week we offered sewing pillowcases to the younger crowd and they LOVED IT!  Most are coming back next month and begging for a machine!

From Megan at Canoe Ridge Creations
Thanks to our "teacher" Donna in Rochester and Megan in Decorah !  Do you know of a youngster (must be 9 years old) that would like to learn? 

October class is making a bag!!

November they will make a Christmas Stocking!!

Everything is furnished including the sewing machines!

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